Mini haul

I have ordered some rather atypical items from during their free shipping event )with $29 purchase). I’m pretty stoked because it is below the customs limit and I can pick up the mascara I wanted at a sale price 😀


I know they always put in tons of packing ribbons in a medium-sized box although I only ordered some items.


They also put in a delivery note (invoice) in the box. I was rather surprised they mark this one down (a little) because my previous, which was a year ago, was detained by the customs and I had to pay like 20% plus service. 😦


Everything was bubble-wrapped into two.


All the haul lol (its quite small, I know). I also received a card with a code but I don’t read Chinese so… My order took about 2 weeks to arrive to Central EU from Singapore (perhaps..because it says Singapore post) and costs me under $30. Let’s go through my strange picks lol.

First up is the Nature Republic Foot & Nature Peeling Foot Mask. I wanted to try this ASAP but I have just used the Saem foot peeling a few days before this arrived so maybe next year :/


Looks like any other foot peels and this one has lemon extracts.


Same directions of use as well. I have never tried one from Nature Republic before~   Next item is something we don’t normally find in Europe; Hot packs! We keep seeing in Asian dramas where the hero/heroine will be using hot packs in winter. I’m surprised why these aren’t marketed here where it is super cold for months!


Got these Hakugen 10x Stick-on hot packs. They are quite heavy (like wet wipes). I think I just need to stick this on the inside of my coat and it will react to release some heat. Idk how it works but I have faith in these babies~ ❤


I have used the break-to-warm ones and those last only temporarily. Hopefully these are better.

Imju Dejavu’s Fiberwig mascaras are my HG and my favorite so far is the long mascara (red) which does not budge the whole day and looks extremely natural. I just had to get this one to compare since it was on sale for only $13.


Why, I adore my Japanese mascara and liners. :’)


The wand is a slight curve and applies beautifully. I do think this formula is runnier than the original red wands. It does volumize and curl my lashes beautifully. I will wear this longer to decide if this is better than the original.


Unedited! The packaging looks fab. :3

Lastly I picked up some anti-cough powder by Nin Jiom. I have tried their syrup before and loved it. Since it is the winter season, I have decided to pick a box up (and also meet the requirements for free shipping).


Oddly we don’t find something like this in central EU. When I was little, mum would buy me anti-flu or cough powders that contains menthol or vitamins to prevent the onset of the disease especially during monsoon months or dry spells/ Indonesian haze months. Those cost like what… $1?


Sadly though, these sachets taste nothing like the syrup one. This is bitter like medicinal herbs and watermelon extract powder. I made a warm drink with this and added Manuka honey to it and it tastes 100x better!


Just some quirky Asian things that makes me reminisce of my childhood.   I would make another purchase with again if they offer free shipping. I enjoy their selections of Japanese and Taiwanese products, though Korean ones may be lacking. It is a fab site to stalk whenever there are holidays. Keep an eye out for their Christmas, New year’s or Chinese new year sales!

4 thoughts on “ Mini haul

  1. I’m standing in front of the dejavu display at my local drugstore. Your mascara was so cheap because according to the sales lady, it was discontinued last year. So it’s probably close to 2 years old. Sasa is infamous for selling old and expired Japanese cosmetics very cheaply, unfortunately.


    • I think so too. I was in Hong Kong and they have a whole section of deluxe sample sizes for sale. Smh. lol but I still love my Imju mascaras and its difficult to get any here at all. 😛 Wish I’m in Japan!! ❤


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